for myself so I could wear them under my regular clothes when I was working.

I had some mixed emotions about what I was doing because I still didn't know that this was something that other men did. I felt I had discovered something new though I do remember that I had a very strong feeling of retaliation. If women could wear men's clothes why couldn't men wear women's things and this thought has stayed with me all these years. I feel even stronger about this now than before.

As time went on I left the dime store business to find a job that would keep me in one place, it seemed that after I got away from the store and the everyday contact with lingerie it didn't bother me any more and I stopped wearing the panties.

In 1951 our first son was born and in 1955 a second one came; it was about this time my wife took a night job and I was left to babysit just like I did for my brothers. After I had the boys in bed I would wash or iron clothes to help my wife because these were two jobs she hated to do. It was at this time that I went all out and I would dress myself completely in her clothes, always making sure it was something I had bought for her. I felt that as long as I was doing so called women's work I might just as well look like one. She thought I was being so helpful, but what she didn't know was that I was taking her place while she was gone and satisfying my own desire.

I was able to conceal this for about seven years. No one knew about it until one night she came home from work early and caught me. I don't think I have to tell some of you how I felt. I was so embarrassed I didn't know what to do and she was so shocked she couldn't even talk.

At first she was awfully mad and wouldn't talk to me for a few days. After she got over the initial shock we sat down and had a